Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Little Behind

The Dincler family has enjoyed two wonderful weekends recently, but I have not been able to post. I don't have all of the pics yet, but I figured I'd go ahead and share.

Two weeks ago on Saturday, September 27 to be exact, the three of us met up with Trent, Kala, and little Riley at the annual Applefest in Lebanon, Ohio. It was a warm almost-fall day, and the place was packed. It had all the Autumn sites and smells I recently wrote about; and lots of everything apple. We ran into a few more friends, and had fun enjoying the various booths, crafts, foods, and entertainment. Kaylyn was so good for us!

Here we go!

There were a lot of people. Hi Davis family!

Justin & Jill. Lou working hard with Italian Ice

Riley Davis & Kaylyn Dincler.

Last weekend we took a trip to Chicago, and then on to Geneva, Wisconsin, for our friend Allan's wedding, one of Jenny's best friends from college. There's a whole little group of them who are still close, and they have a lot of fun when they get together. Gabe and Jenny went to the Contemporary Music Center during the first semester of their senior year, which is where I met them. I only married Jenny.

The weekend was good in many ways. It was good for Jenny and her friends to be together, to laugh and hug and hang out. It was good for Jenny and I because we enjoyed a weekend away together. It was good for me because I was able to look after Kaylyn so that the group could do as they wished and not be without Jenny for any length of time. And it was good for everyone, especially Kaylyn, because she was such an amazing little girl all weekend! I couldn't count the number of times someone told me or I thought to myself, "Wow, she is a good baby!" She never threw fits, she slept when she was tired, she relaxed when we needed her to, and best of all, she was always smiling, laughing, and cooing when anyone played with her. She is such a blessing!

I love seeing Jenny so happy and engaged with her friends, and it's been nice to become better friends with each of them. While I'm not an original, I do feel welcome amongst them, and I appreciate that.

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